Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Barbra Streisand

Wow shit.
This is pure sex, watch those last 10 seconds...
Duck Sauce, the collaboration between A-trak and Armand Van Helden, has played their first live-set ever at WMC the 25th of March. When they dropped this track (probably going to be called "Barbra Streisand", named after the famous diva), the crowd went nuts (as you've probably seen already). So I hope this is going to be released real soon on Fool's Gold, because it will set rooms on fire like nothing else will do this summer!

Edit: someone found a better quality, and longer vid from A-trak dropping this at Ultra.

And: even my mom likes this song!

Edit 2:

1 comment:

  1. http://hypem.com/#/track/1088563/Duck+Sauce+Barbara+Streisand+O+God+Remix+
